Not quite perfect

the official tournament of the Mystery Card player sets

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Not quite perfect

PostTue Mar 21, 2023 10:38 am

Last night I managed a solid 1-11 showing across all 4 leagues which, when trying to win games seems significantly harder to do than go 11-1.

Luckily in the 90's my entire division got swept, as did the division leader in the 80's.

There were a few questionable managerial decisions

70's - After blowing a 2-run lead in the 8th RP Eddie Solomon somehow finds his way to the plate (despite other options on the bench). He even manages to draw a walk! With 2-out he gets caught stealing second. It seems the energy expended trying to steal 2nd impacted his pitching as he gave up a leadoff triple in the 9th that would end up being the winning run. Why did he bat? Why did he run?

90's - After 3 pretty good starts Mike Morgan takes the hill for game 2 in the 90's set. With a 3-2 lead heading into the 6th the wheels start to fall off. Morgan gives up a run in the 6th, 7th and 8th innings and the game enters the bottom of the 9th tied at 5. Morgans final line - 8.2ip / 8er / L. Perhaps when a pitcher has given up runs in the 6th, 7th and 8th innings he shouldn't be pitching in the 9th as well?

I post this in fun, and not anger. After losing the first 7 it became sorta comical. I'm not looking for settings suggestions or anything like that. I am interested in some similar managerial peculiarities you've come across thus far in the tournament.


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Re: Not quite perfect

PostWed Mar 22, 2023 3:53 pm

piloneus382 wrote:70's - After blowing a 2-run lead in the 8th RP Eddie Solomon somehow finds his way to the plate (despite other options on the bench). He even manages to draw a walk! With 2-out he gets caught stealing second. It seems the energy expended trying to steal 2nd impacted his pitching as he gave up a leadoff triple in the 9th that would end up being the winning run. Why did he bat? Why did he run?

Although I play a lot of 60s Mystery Leagues, I absolutely can't stand how the game engine handles offensive lineups on teams when the pitchers hit. There's SO MUCH wrong with it, including the example above from Piloneus. An 8-year-old could come up with better logic!
The 60s set pretty much dictates that the pitchers hit, but beyond that I much prefer DH leagues, simply because of this glaring flaw.

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