Big day: 60's Opening Day, 70's leagues loading

the official tournament of the Mystery Card player sets

Moderators: Juiced JC, jaywalker72, Palmtana

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Juiced JC

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Big day: 60's Opening Day, 70's leagues loading

PostMon Jan 25, 2021 7:02 pm

Time to finally get the fun started with the 60's leagues opening day tonight! Good luck everyone! You can follow the overall standings on the tournament web page found here: (Note: Some dates and details about the new 5th round still need to be fixed by support)

Our opening day for the 70's is just 2 weeks away! League assignments and invite codes were sent out this morning. Please load your teams and set "Ready for Draft" when you can. As was mentioned earlier, these leagues can draft any time now and don't have to wait for a certian date because I have pre-set the opening day in all leagues to February 8th. Having said that, let's not start putting pressure on those that haven't joined until Saturday because I don't want to rush people unnecessarily. Don't forget - no DH in the 70's this year!

Juiced JC

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