Where we stand with 60's (as of Thursday night)

the official tournament of the Mystery Card player sets

Moderators: Juiced JC, jaywalker72, Palmtana

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Juiced JC

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Where we stand with 60's (as of Thursday night)

PostThu Jan 14, 2021 11:15 pm

The deadline to join your 60's league to guarantee your spot in the tournament is end of day tomorrow - Friday January 15th. Closers - remember you can join your league any time, just don't set your team as "Ready for Draft" until Saturday.

Here is the breakdown by league of who still needs to join. If you know any of these people or if you are in a league with any of them, please contact them and get them to load their team.

League 1 - 12/12 teams in
League 2 - 12/12 teams in

League 3 - 10/12 teams in, kurt1431 and gbrookes need to join
League 4 - 11/12 teams in, Say Hey needs to join
League 5 - 12/12 teams in
League 6 - 11/12 teams in, jmaness10 needs to join
League 7 - 11/12 teams in, Gordie Howe needs to join
League 8 - 12/12 teams in
League 9 - 11/12 teams in, Jsam9801 needs to join
League 10 - 11/12 teams in, jjrecupero needs to join
League 11 - 11/12 teams in, Adam Katz needs to join
League 12 - 11/12 teams in, sphilipp8 needs to join
League 13 - 10/11 teams in, stratorat needs to join, plus this league needs one more player
League 14 - 10/11 teams in, Shaggy Dawg needs to join, plus this league needs one more player

Juiced JC

  • Posts: 1727
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Re: Where we stand with 60's (as of Thursday night)

PostFri Jan 15, 2021 10:02 am

All the people not yet joined need to load their team TODAY....


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Re: Where we stand with 60's (as of Thursday night)

PostFri Jan 15, 2021 11:46 am

Draft loaded. Will click ready on Saturday.


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Re: Where we stand with 60's (as of Thursday night)

PostFri Jan 15, 2021 5:12 pm

I’ll load my team and click ready Saturday morning to close out league 12

Juiced JC

  • Posts: 1727
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Re: Where we stand with 60's (as of Thursday night)

PostFri Jan 15, 2021 7:57 pm

The deadline to join your 60's league to guarantee your spot in the tournament is end of day today - Friday January 15th. Closers - remember you can join your league any time, just don't set your team as "Ready for Draft" until Saturday.

Here is the breakdown by league of who still needs to join as of 7:00 PM ET on Friday. If you know any of these people or if you are in a league with any of them, please contact them and get them to load their team.

League 1 - 12/12 teams in
League 2 - 12/12 teams in

League 3 - 10/11 teams in, kurt1431 needs to join (no word from him yet), and we need one more player for this league
League 4 - 11/12 teams in, Say Hey needs to join (no word from him yet)
League 5 - 12/12 teams in
League 6 - 11/12 teams in, jmaness10 needs to join (no word from him yet)
League 7 - 12/12 teams in
League 8 - 12/12 teams in
League 9 - 12/12 teams in

League 10 - 11/12 teams in, jjrecupero needs to join (he checked in on the DIscussion Forum on Friday)
League 11 - 12/12 teams in
League 12 - 11/12 teams in, sphilipp8 needs to join (he said he'd join and close on Saturday)
League 13 - 12/12 teams in
League 14 - 11/12 teams in, bkr1974 needs to join (he just signed up on Friday, he's been sent league and invite code)


  • Posts: 785
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Re: Where we stand with 60's (as of Thursday night)

PostFri Jan 15, 2021 11:52 pm

Juiced JC wrote:League 6 - 11/12 teams in, jmaness10 needs to join (no word from him yet)

FWIW - jmaness10 last visited the forum on the night he signed up - Sun Jan 03, 2021 10:44 pm.

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