Summer - Winter Keeper League

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Re: Summer - Winter Keeper League

PostWed Jun 05, 2019 7:39 pm

Denorien wrote:
Ninersphan wrote:Just a reminder, unless a players available sheet is being made for this league's draft, i will not be able to participate. Summer is the busiest time of year for me at work and i do not have time to do one for myself. If one is not made available, please find a replacement for me.

Considering the draft is July 5th, is there a deadline for when you require the league to provide you with an available players' draft sheet in order to remain in the league?

Just prior to the draft starting. This isn't a new issue for me, I brought this up, during the winter draft:

Ninersphan wrote:
tcochran wrote:
Ninersphan wrote:As should be rather apparent from my two incorrect posts, and my inability to hit slot, I clearly do not have the time needed to fully participate in this league. If there were a players available list I'd be all set, but I do not have time to create my own and no one is providing one. Given that, I'm forfeiting my 3 picks, and will play this upcoming season with 37 players.

Additionally, even though I really like this team, I think it would be best for both the league and myself if I bow out after the winter season.

Let me know if this is acceptable.

I would be sorry to see you leave the league, but if you still feel that way next summer, then I'll seek a replacement.

Don't wait for sumeer, as soon as the winter season is over seek a replacement so they can make any deals they want to in the off season and the team isn't just dormant. I'm 99% positive I won't be changing my mind.


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Re: Summer - Winter Keeper League

PostWed Jun 05, 2019 10:46 pm

I recall the gist of the previous post, etc (I didn't try to find it). I also recall that it sounded like a done deal (you wanted to be replaced). That last bit just a perception of mine, of course, at the time.

Here, you leave the door open for staying. I think a former manager, sknsfan, used to share an xls of free agents.

I know what I do for my own FA draft sheet. I believe I'm the strangest FA drafter in our league. I ignore nearly everyone except relievers in the early and middle rounds and then draft upwards of 80% of my rotation with my final picks. I'm almost certain you won't be satisfied with my draft sheet. But, I'm willing to share it with you. My job also squeezes most of my hobbies. I travel 45 - 48 weeks a year managing a cyber security program for a Fortune 100 company. Much of my drafting style is simply expedient and governed by my prospect drafting.


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Re: Summer - Winter Keeper League

PostWed Jun 05, 2019 11:55 pm

Denorien wrote:I recall the gist of the previous post, etc (I didn't try to find it). I also recall that it sounded like a done deal (you wanted to be replaced). That last bit just a perception of mine, of course, at the time.

Here, you leave the door open for staying. I think a former manager, sknsfan, used to share an xls of free agents.

I know what I do for my own FA draft sheet. I believe I'm the strangest FA drafter in our league. I ignore nearly everyone except relievers in the early and middle rounds and then draft upwards of 80% of my rotation with my final picks. I'm almost certain you won't be satisfied with my draft sheet. But, I'm willing to share it with you. My job also squeezes most of my hobbies. I travel 45 - 48 weeks a year managing a cyber security program for a Fortune 100 company. Much of my drafting style is simply expedient and governed by my prospect drafting.

I'm looking for a list ( preferably in a spreadsheet with positions, but does not have to be) of all draftable players. so I can quickly make up proxy lists or round by round cheat sheets in the evenings. If I have cheat sheets, I can make my picks via my phone at work and/or leave proxy list late at night for the next day. I do not have guaranteed computer access during the summer months as work flow doesn't permit it.

I make theses lists for the leagues that I'm the commissioner of to try to prevent misatkes in drafting, but not every commish does.

Having not had them the last few drafts for this league, I know what will happen, I will continually miss slot because I have no clue who is available, and/or I will pick players that are already on rosters. Both of which hamper my squad, and delay the draft. I'm just trying to prevent those scenarios. It's not an enjoyable draft experience for me if it goes that way, and if I'm not enjoying it, why participate.


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Re: Summer - Winter Keeper League

PostThu Jun 06, 2019 12:12 am

I'd be sorry to see you leave, Niners, but in 19 seasons in this league (10 card sets), I've never published such a list and do not anticipate doing so now.


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Re: Summer - Winter Keeper League

PostThu Jun 06, 2019 12:23 am

tcochran wrote:I'd be sorry to see you leave, Niners, but in 19 seasons in this league (10 card sets), I've never published such a list and do not anticipate doing so now.

Then as I said this past winter, please replace me. No hard feelings.


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Re: Summer - Winter Keeper League

PostThu Jun 06, 2019 4:42 am

Ninersphan wrote:
tcochran wrote:I'd be sorry to see you leave, Niners, but in 19 seasons in this league (10 card sets), I've never published such a list and do not anticipate doing so now.

Then as I said this past winter, please replace me. No hard feelings.

We obviously don't want to wait until the last minute to replace a manager. But, we don't have to exactly rush on June 6, either.

Collecting requirements is important for coming to a solution. I have some skills with excel. Taking everyone's keepers out of the unleashed player set leaves the draft list that ninersphan describes. But, that won't keep someone from making mistakes. As each pick is made, the player taken has to be removed from the list of available players. A proxy list helps as each round's pick approaches. But, the master list still has to be maintained by removing drafted players more or less at least at the end of every round. That is a reality everyone deals with which explains why mistakes in the later rounds become more frequent.

We are at a bit of an impasse. I'm willing to commit a starting draft list for the beginning of the draft as I describe above. I can't promise it won't have any mistakes. But, I won't be able to maintain it reliably. By the third or fourth round, if it hasn't been maintained, it will be almost worthless. I think the difficulties ninersphan experienced last year with his last three picks could happen, again, even with the draft list unless it has been maintained.

Niners, you mention being a commish yourself. How do you cope with this in your leagues?


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Re: Summer - Winter Keeper League

PostThu Jun 06, 2019 6:35 am

All I need is the starting list. I don’t expect it to be maintained during the draft I can take care of that. I don’t do that in my leagues. I simply give them the list of available players at the start and expect them to follow along. I even tell everyone to do and to save the list for the supplemental draft before season two as I don’t prepare a new one. If you can make the starting list and be willing to share, that’s all I need to keep me in. I certainly don’t expect it to be perfect, mine aren’t either, but it will go a loooooooong way to making sure I can pick in a timely manner, and not have too many bad picks. Can’t promise I won’t screw up either, we’re all human after all. ;-)


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Re: Summer - Winter Keeper League

PostThu Jun 06, 2019 7:48 am


Jose Ramirez 3B/2B $10.00
Blake Treinen RP/Closer R2C6 $6.44
Kyle Hendricks SP* $4.49
Elvis Andrus SS - Nice 2019 season ongoing
Charlie Blackmon CF (RF in 2019) $4.22

Might be a few others would consider dealing as well.

Looking for future SP, CF, Prospect Picks primarily


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Re: Summer - Winter Keeper League

PostFri Jun 07, 2019 6:06 am

Lakeviewdave trades

Adalberto Mondesi

to knight1 for

2018 1st Round FA pick
2018 2nd Round Prospect pick

To be confirmed


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Re: Summer - Winter Keeper League

PostFri Jun 07, 2019 7:18 am

lakeviewdave wrote:Lakeviewdave trades

Adalberto Mondesi

to knight1 for

2018 1st Round FA pick
2018 2nd Round Prospect pick

To be confirmed


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