Ice Cream/Peanuts/Hot Dog- Chat/Transactions

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Ice Cream/Peanuts/Hot Dog- Chat/Transactions

PostFri Oct 05, 2018 2:34 am

Ice Cream/Peanuts/Hotdogs League Rules.

GOOGLE DOC: ... =652833053

Initial Spring FA Draft:

1) The initial draft will be a 40 round live draft. Order will be randomized.
2) Immediately following the FA draft we will conduct the Stadium draft by drafting the opposite order of the first round of the FA draft.
3) Any player that has had a Plate Appearance or thrown a pitch in the Majors is eligible. Players who have only played in the current year of the draft are NOT eligible.
4) The initial draft will be serpentine. All subsequent FA drafts will be non-serpentine
and will be based on the previous season’s combined regular season records. Draft picks may be traded.
5) There is no clock for Round 1 of each FA draft. All subsequent rounds will operate with assigned time slots/windows. We're going to go with the following draft time slots for our initial draft...7am, EST to 7am, EST for each person. That's one full 24-hour time slot for each person. Obviously, we don't have to take that long for our picks. You may pick right away if the person before you has picked OR your day to pick is currently up.

Stadium Rules:

1) Each player will draft a stadium during Round 41 of the Initial Free Agent draft.
2) Stadium draft order will be the reverse of Round 1 of the Initial Free Agent draft.
3) You may change your Stadium through the draft only once every two years (4 seasons).
4) Nothing changes regarding the trading of Stadiums. You can still take advantage of this to acquire a new Stadium. Just that it must be in the "off" season.

Prospect Team/player drafts:

1) A Major league team draft will be held after the Stadium draft (This may be changed for our initial year as time constraints dictate - to be determined by the Commissioner). This is to determine which team you will be taking Minor league prospects from for a given year.
2) You will then add four prospect Minor league players from your MLB team you drafted within a week after the Prospect team draft is complete (exact time and date will be assigned by the Commissioner). Failure to do so means forfeiture of all your prospect picks that year. It will be held each year following the Spring FA draft (or Stadium draft in odd years) at a time established by the commissioner.
3) Only those players without MLB experience AND signed by MLB teams are eligible for any prospect draft.
4) We will randomize all Prospect team drafts as follows...
Seeds 9-12 will be randomized for draft picks 1-4; Seeds 5-8 will randomized for picks 5-8; Seeds 1-4 will be randomized for picks 9-12.
5) The Initial Prospect team draft order will be determined by the reverse seeding from the Initial FA draft. Then we will randomize each group as mentioned above.
6) All subsequent prospect team drafts will be based on reverse draft order of the previous season's combined regular season records. And then the randomization.
7) No more than 12 prospect players will be allowed on a team at any time. You may trade or release prospect players on your roster.
8) You may only keep a prospect in prospect status for two full years. At that time you'll need to either release, trade or promote prospect(s) to your major league roster.
9) Owners lose rights to all prospects that they release; released prospects are eligible to be drafted as either a) Free Agents if they had either a PA or pitch thrown b) prospects again if never any PA or pitch thrown.
10) If you do release a prospect that prospect will regain full prospect eligibility (two years) for anyone drafting them in subsequent drafts.
11) Prospect teams may be traded. Prospect players (once drafted) may be traded. And Prospect team drafting order may be traded.
12) There will be three hour time slots for all teams during the Prospect team draft.
13) Individual owners are responsible for their own prospect research.

Supplemental Free Agent Drafts:

1) A Supplemental Free Agent draft of up to 3 rounds will be held between seasons 1 and 2 of each calendar year.
2) All owners must announce their roster drops (up to 3) prior to the Supplemental draft within the time frame announced by the commissioner.
3) Owners may draft no more than 3 players; Owners are not required to draft any players during the Supplemental draft.
4) Supplemental Free Agent drafts are non-serpentine; Supplemental Free Agent draft order is determined by the previous season's regular season record.
5) All rounds will operate with assigned time slots.
6) The Supplemental Free Agent draft is only 3 rounds. Owners with less than a full roster may use the Supplemental Free Agent draft to get back to a 40 man roster provided they can do it within 3 rounds. There will never be more than 36 picks made in the Supplemental draft.
7) Only players with MLB experience prior to the current season are eligible to be picked.

Annual Spring Free Agent Drafts:

1) A non-serpentine free agent draft of at least 10 and up to 15 rounds, will be held each year shortly after SOM cards are released. Draft order is determined by the previous season's combined won/loss records. Worst to first, NFL style.
2) All owners must drop enough players to bring their rosters to a maximum of 30 players allowing for 10 draft picks; Owners can drop below 30 players, but must not have less than 25 prior to the draft.
3) Player drops must be announced prior to the beginning of the Free Agent draft within the time frame announced by the commissioner.
4) All owners may have a full 40 man roster upon completion of the annual Spring Free Agent draft.
5) There is no clock for Round 1 of each Annual Free Agent draft. All subsequent rounds will operate with a timed clock or assigned time slots, whichever the commissioner decides.
6) Only players with MLB experience prior to the current season are eligible to be picked.

General Rules :

1) There will be 2 seasons played each year; Season 1 will begin after the Initial spring free agent draft - Season 2 will begin just after the Supplemental Draft.
2) Divisional assignments will change each season. The format is this: a) initial divisional assignments will follow the general 1-4-7-10 East, 2-5-8-11 Central, and 3-6-9-12 West.
3) Cumulative team records will determine the divisional assignments for Season 1 of each new year.
4) Divisional assignments for season 2 each year will be determined by the final won/loss records of the previous season with seeding for separating the top teams into different divisions. Seeding will look like this...

Seeds 1, 6, 7, 12 in the East

Seeds 2, 5, 8, 11 in the Central

Seeds 3, 4, 9,10 in the West

5) All transactions must be posted on the individual league thread.
6) The league Commish shall maintain a record of all drafts, transactions, player movements and provide a copy to any owner on request.
7) All ties between teams will be broken by the previous season's head to head win/loss records. If this does not break the tie, run differential will be used.
8) All rule changes must pass by a supermajority - 8 owners or more.
9) There are no specific rules against "roster dumping". Owners no longer in a pennant race can use their best judgement in determining the makeup of their team, provided that all general roster size limits are met. However, it is expected that all owners will act in the best interest of the game.
10) All leagues will be set up using the DH.

Roster Rules:

1) Each team must carry no more than a 40 man roster. In the event a transaction sends an owner's roster above the 40 man limit, said owner must release as many players as necessary to get back to the 40 man limit. However, if an owner has less than 40 players due to uneven trades, the owner cannot bring his roster to the full 40 until a Free agent draft, whether spring or supplemental (see player movement).
2) Each team must follow SOM roster minimum and maximum regarding season rosters. As low as 24 or as high as 28 from start of season to end.
3) Remaining players will be considered in the minors.
4) There are no limits to transactions between an owner's major and minor league rosters except those internal to the SOM game engine.
5) Each team is set up with a $999 million dollar roster; all roster transactions will use the 5/10/20% Free Agent penalty.
6) The minimum roster size is 30 players. The only exceptions are during the supplemental and free agent draft periods.

Player Movement Rules:

1) Trading players is authorized and encouraged. The trading of draft picks is also authorized. Except we won't be completing any deals involving 9th round or higher draft picks. Unbalanced trades are authorized provided that the 40 man roster limit is maintained at all times; in the event of an unbalanced trade the owner of the team whose roster exceeds the 40 man limit is allowed 1 day to release player(s) to get back to the 40 man limit.
2) There will be no pickups of free agent players except through the Annual and Supplemental Free Agents drafts.
3) Prospects can be activated and promoted to the major league roster during the regular season provided there is roster space available to do so. Players with a full 40 man roster cannot promote a prospect until there is room available to do so.
4) Regular players on the 40 man roster cannot be released in order to promote a prospect while a season is in progress.
5) Regular players can be released from the 40 man roster only for the following: a) pre-draft release prior to Annual Free Agent draft b) pre-draft release prior to Supplemental free agent draft; c) to bring a roster down to the 40 man limit as a result of an unbalanced transaction.

Every trade must be posted on our Individual League Chat thread in this EXACT format:

TITLE: Trade Announcement

Thisisdan trades:

Derek Jeter SS
Robinson Cano 2B
1st Round Spring FA Pick
2nd Round Summer Prospect Pick

to (manager) for:

Albert Pujols 1B
Hunter Pence RF/OF
4th Round Spring FA Pick

- It is each individual manager's responsibility to check the Individual League Chat (ILC) on a regular basis...Even in the off-season!!
Last edited by fredpaii on Sat Dec 21, 2019 6:13 am, edited 23 times in total.


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Re: Ice Cream/Peanuts/and Hot Dogs chat thread

PostFri Oct 05, 2018 11:59 pm

I'm interested.


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Re: Ice Cream/Peanuts/and Hot Dogs chat thread

PostSat Oct 06, 2018 1:38 am

1. fredpaii
2. madal


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Re: Ice Cream/Peanuts/ Hot Dogs sign up thread

PostSat Oct 06, 2018 9:38 am

i would like to join


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Re: Ice Cream/Peanuts/and Hot Dogs chat thread

PostSat Oct 06, 2018 9:58 am

1. fredpaii
2. madal
3. willmurr24


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Re: Ice Cream/Peanuts/ Hot Dogs sign up thread

PostSat Oct 06, 2018 2:19 pm

. fredpaii
2. madal
3. willmurr24
4. Terry101


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Re: Ice Cream/Peanuts/ Hot Dogs sign up thread

PostSat Oct 06, 2018 4:06 pm

As a big Fred fan, I would love to have joined your keeper league. However, I'm already in 9 Keeper Leagues. 5 is probably too many. 9 is already insane. I will have to pass on this one. If you are stuck on 11 guys and need to find a 12th....send me a note. Perhaps I could quit my job and join a 10th league. ;)


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Re: Ice Cream/Peanuts/ Hot Dogs sign up thread

PostSat Oct 06, 2018 5:55 pm

KEVINEHLE wrote:As a big Fred fan, I would love to have joined your keeper league. However, I'm already in 9 Keeper Leagues. 5 is probably too many. 9 is already insane. I will have to pass on this one. If you are stuck on 11 guys and need to find a 12th....send me a note. Perhaps I could quit my job and join a 10th league. ;)

And 12 is beyond insane...


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Re: Ice Cream/Peanuts/ Hot Dogs sign up thread

PostSun Oct 07, 2018 5:00 pm

2. madal
3. willmurr24
4. Terry101
5. Doug


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Re: Ice Cream/Peanuts/ Hot Dogs sign up thread

PostSun Oct 07, 2018 9:19 pm

KEVINEHLE wrote:As a big Fred fan, I would love to have joined your keeper league. However, I'm already in 9 Keeper Leagues. 5 is probably too many. 9 is already insane. I will have to pass on this one. If you are stuck on 11 guys and need to find a 12th....send me a note. Perhaps I could quit my job and join a 10th league. ;)

Thanks man.

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