Most RBIs, no homers, for a season?

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The Last Druid

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Re: Most RBIs, no homers, for a season?

PostSat Sep 16, 2017 10:48 pm

I imagine that there were, but just so many teams to review so little time. That's why I thought I would create one. Odd thing is Lajoie was batting 3rd most of the season but when I realized he had a chance to knock in more than I thought he would, I recently moved him to the 5th slot.

Interesting day for me today Clifton. Woke up and my wife finds this note pinned to her car windshield- in our driveway.

It reads

FROM Louis M. (I deleted the last name to protect the psychotic)

To Asshole Bruce Steffeck (sic)

I know you fu..ed (expletive modified) my soon to be ex-wife (name deleted). I had a digital recording device plant (sic) in her car on October 21st and October 22, 2015. Too bad you guys got caught on October 22 nd (sic), by a fellow worker, you are not getting away with this, I don't care about (name deleted) any more, however I warn you that I will deal with you soon and I'm not afraid of you fatso. Keep looking over your shoulders because I'm (sic) might be there.

Then a thoughtful, handwritten addendum: BTW "She's a slut."

For an engineer, this guy's writing is atrocious.

Anyway, I spend two hours down at the local police station filing an incident report, then go and change the locks to my home and purchase some appropriate -and legal -self defense items. Police can't do anything because this is the first incident, should another occur then they can arrest him and issue an Order of Protection. I used to supervise his 60 something wife from 2014-2016 but we had a purely professional relationship and never even socialized. He is a 60 something engineer who has been married to her for about 40 years. They have 4 adult kids and numerous grandchildren. He is a former Division 1 college hockey player, back in the early 70's and is Canadian. His wife took some time off in early 2016 and disclosed to me that he was having a psychotic break (paranoid delusions) and was accusing her of infidelity. Evidently this happened after he discontinued his ADHD medication and she told me this was the first time that ever happened with him. The incident eventually subsided and she returned to work and never said another word about it. She took a new job about six months ago and I never heard from her again.

I'm taking this guy seriously but in my profession we always attempt to put ourselves in the other guy's shoes to try to understand their behavior. This is the first time I've ever been targeted like this and it is weird because I have never met or spoken to the guy. But is seems to me that whatever his plans and intentions are, he is off to a really poor start signing the letter! Forewarned is forearmed and the idiot even has a facebook page with pictures of himself. So unless he is a sniper, I don't think I will be taken by surprise ( also showed my wife and adult daughter all the pictures of him on Facebook) and any close encounters will likely not end favorably for him. ;) Anyway, that's been my day. How you doing?
Last edited by The Last Druid on Sat Sep 16, 2017 11:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

The Last Druid

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Re: Most RBIs, no homers, for a season?

PostSat Sep 16, 2017 11:24 pm

Ah, Hack you cursed me. Lost all three tonight.


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Re: Most RBIs, no homers, for a season?

PostSun Sep 17, 2017 4:49 am

I just read your story...

Going to the police isn't the only thing you can do. Most states allow hearings in court where you can convince a judge that the person is in need of evaluation or treatment because of his/her mental state. The judge can authorize and enforce that the person gets evaluated by a psychiatrist. Contrary to police standards, you don't need to wait for a drama to happen. The criteria used in most states is the likelihood that an harm will happen (to himself or towards others). Typically, the judge will force a person to stay in a hospital for a very short time (48 hours) for evaluation, and then the psychiatrist can decide to pursue the evaluation or initiate a treatment.

You can see here how the standards for civil commitment are applied in your state: ... itment.pdf

This said, convicing a judge, especially in abstentia of the sicked person, isn't always easy. All the information you have must be factual. Have a registry where you compile all the bizarre and/or dangerous actions or threats that you are witnessing. A crescendo in actions can help build your case.Even if you convince a judge, you don't have control over the psychiatrist who might not see that the person has become dangerous. So it's a process. Sometimes you need to get back in front of the judge and ask for another evaluation based upon new information.

But even if the person is not committed to the hospital, a outpatient treatment might have begun. Some counties have mobile crisis teams that can follow up at his home when the patient doesn't respect his appointements.

It's another way to protect yourself. If your action can lead to treatment, medications are usually powerful in stopping a psychotic state.

The Last Druid

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Re: Most RBIs, no homers, for a season?

PostSun Sep 17, 2017 8:24 am

Thanks Marc, some very good ideas there. Will follow up for sure.


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Re: Most RBIs, no homers, for a season?

PostSun Sep 17, 2017 2:40 pm

Marc: Thanks for the link to state commitment laws and standards. I would have never in a thousand years expected to find such info in the SOM discussion forum.

Bruce, my heart goes out to you and your family for having to deal with this problem. Daily life has enough challenges without having this foisted upon you. You are taking the right approach, as one can never be too safe.

The Last Druid wrote: my profession we always attempt to put ourselves in the other guy's shoes to try to understand their behavior. This is the first time I've ever been targeted like this and it is weird because I have never met or spoken to the guy. But is seems to me that whatever his plans and intentions are, he is off to a really poor start signing the letter!

Your empathy for this man and his wife are admirable, but that does not excuse his alleged behavior. He is a prisoner of his own delusions and those around him, no matter how remote, are suffering as well.

I know this is unlikely, and your caution is not unwarranted, but did you ever consider that this man did not write the note? Possible tipoffs, as you note, are the poor grammar for an educated man and his alleged signature on the note. Why would he announce his nefarious intentions and make it easier to stop him and/or subsequently prosecute him? Also, how does he know where you live? Who would benefit from framing this guy? On the other hand, he's not playing with a full deck, so if he did write write the note, perhaps he didn't fully consider the ramifications of such.

Although you are probably aware of this, if an Order of Protection is eventually issued for you and your family, please remember that an Order of Protection is not an invisible force field around you and your family that will protect you from harm. It is merely a piece of paper with a Judge's signature. If a person is intent on doing harm, an Order of Protection will do little to deter him. Tragic news stories abound about people being assaulted despite the existence of an Order of Protection. The key is to limit his opportunities to do harm. So at the very least, the Order of Protection should contain language that he not go near your residence, places of employment of you and your family members and that he not get closer to any of you than a certain distance, say 500 feet. That way, if he appears at or near such places, he can be arrested before harm is done.

Lastly, although I could argue about this for hours, and while this is clearly not the appropriate forum for political discussions (after all, this isn't facebook), I feel compelled to say briefly that there is an ongoing mental health treatment crisis in the U.S. that began in the 1980s when conservatives slashed budgets for treatment programs. Many treatment facilities closed and people suffering from mental health problems were put on the streets to fend for themselves with no further treatment, leaving the general public and, ultimately, the police and criminal justice system to deal with them. Further, the NRA opposes reasonable restrictions on gun ownership, even for those with mental health issues. It's hardly surprising that tragic school shootings occur, committed by people who not only should not have been on the street in the first place, but who should have never been near a gun.

How many innocent people must be harmed before change occurs?

OK, I'm off my soapbox. Bruce, I'll keep you and your family, and your alleged oppressor, in my prayers. Stay safe. - Bernie
Last edited by BDWard on Mon Sep 18, 2017 11:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

The Last Druid

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Re: Most RBIs, no homers, for a season?

PostSun Sep 17, 2017 4:02 pm

Thanks for weighing in Bernie. I deeply appreciate it -especially given that you are an attorney.

I know this is unlikely, and your caution is not unwarranted, but did you ever consider that this man did not write the note? Possible tipoffs, as you note, are the poor grammar for an educated man and his alleged signature on the note. Why would he announce his nefarious intentions and make it easier to stop him and/or subsequently prosecute him? Also, how does he know where you live? Who would benefit from framing this guy? On the other hand, he's not playing with a full deck, so if he did write write the note, perhaps he didn't fully consider the ramifications of such.

I'm sure it was him unless his 26 year old namesake is also having a psychotic break! No one else would have any motive whatsoever, especially as regards his wife of 40 years. Plus she did tell me 16 months ago that she needed to take some time off work because her husband stopped taking his meds and was having delusions that she was cheating on him. Anyone can find where anyone lives, just use the free Zaba and Intellius search engines, type in the name and state and bingo! Then you type an address into google maps and you get an up close picture of the home and property. I suspect that the poor grammar is more a function of his deteriorating psychological state than anything else. My guess is that he announced his intentions for one or possibly two reasons. First, for sure he wants to create fear. Second, he may not even care about the consequences. If you're are in your sixties and you think that your wife of 40 years cheated on you, you could easily come to the conclusion that you having nothing more to live for and then want to punish the person you blame for causing your problems. That's what makes the fact that he didn't consider or even care about the ramifications so troubling. Unfortunately, I do believe that he owns firearms. And I've always thought that if someone is determined to shoot you then they will probably get the chance to do so.

I left voicemails on his wife's cell phone and the family's land line yesterday. I read the message verbatim and told them that it was left on my wife's car and that I had just returned from filing an incident report with the police. I also asked her to call my wife and tell her that there is no truth to what he alleged. No response yet, but at least her family presumably now knows what he did and will take action to get him back on his meds which is what they did last time.

Meanwhile I've purchased a double barreled shotgun and may also purchase a modified AR-15 so that it is legal in New York. We will have the cable company install a video monitor on the second story of our home as the police have assured me that should he trespass again or be seen on the property again, then they can at least arrest him.

You are so right about the orders of protection. As a psychologist in the employ of my county's Department of Social Services, I am often testifying in family court and know exactly what OOP's are worth. But at the very least, it can't hurt to have one in place should I need to defend myself with lethal force.

I will probably go before a local judge, per Marc's advice, ask for an OOP and that the judge invoke Kendra's Law which is NY's version of court mandated outpatient assessment and treatment for people deemed mentally ill and a threat to others.

I have two wonderful golden retrievers that are now 14 years old and helpless should they be targeted by this guy. Before them, we were owned by our two pitbulls and our Akita, the only Akita I know that was ever awarded a Schutzhund III. She killed two coyotes at the same time on our property 25 years ago. Without a scratch on her! No one breaking into our home without an assault rifle would have gotten out alive! I guess after my retrievers pass - they would lick the hand of any intruder-- I'll get a pair of Caucasian Ovcharka's and that should deal with any intruder issue. Anyway, unless the guy shoots me in public or incapacitates me with a taser, I should be okay. I worry most about my wife and daughter and dogs. I am a homebody type and don't even go out at night except to walk the dogs. I haven't gone away on vacation since graduate school because I won't put the dogs in a kennel, my wife and kid take a couple of vacations per year but I actually prefer staying home! I've never feared my own death (I do fear being old and infirm) and am not afraid now but I WILL be extremely cautious and do all that I can do legally to limit his opportunities to do harm.
Last edited by The Last Druid on Sun Sep 17, 2017 4:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Most RBIs, no homers, for a season?

PostSun Sep 17, 2017 4:11 pm

Hack Wilson wrote:Countdown for Last Druid's Lajoie -- 110 RBIs in 109 games, no homers. Amazing. But I bet you have prior Lajoies off the card that did similar, maybe? The team's record is even more amazing -- 75-24. Could be one of the best teams ever. A tip of the hat. 8-)

Team here:

You guys are missing the big story ... Teufel is still lighting it up!

Hack Wilson

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Re: Most RBIs, no homers, for a season?

PostMon Sep 18, 2017 8:31 pm

Wow, Bruce, I just read your post. That is terrible and horrible a thousand times over. Please take care of your family and be safe. You did the right thing going to the police. What a nutcase. I can't imagine how you and your family feels right now. We stand with you, always. I hope everything cools down and he gets his just desserts for the threats. My thoughts are with you and your family. He really sounds like an idiot -- signing his name. It's good he's so stupid, that'll help.

The Last Druid

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Re: Most RBIs, no homers, for a season?

PostMon Sep 18, 2017 9:03 pm

It is and it isn't good. At least I know what he looks like, where he lives and what he drives from him signing his name. But the fact that he was willing to sign it is kind of chilling, he may feel that he has nothing to lose. Picked up a tactical SOG Seal knife today for being out in public, a Mossberg 500 shotgun for the house, a video camera for the front yard (if I catch him on the property the police can take action). Mostly though I need to be vigilant. Will retreat and disengage if possible, can actually use my car as a weapon if necessary. But if he breaks into my home , well then problem solved. ;)

Hack Wilson

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Re: Most RBIs, no homers, for a season?

PostTue Sep 19, 2017 9:10 pm

Those are good measures to take. This may sound odd, but you can also rent a guard dog, like a German Shepherd. Not sure if that fits into the situation, but they are very effective when in the house or yard. The bark is a good alarm, and they are trained for intruders. Chomp, chomp :)

For example:

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