Help with injury reveal

Our Mystery Card games - Superstar Sixties, The '70s Game, Back to the '80s, Back to the '90s, Dynamite 2000s

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Help with injury reveal

PostThu Mar 26, 2015 2:04 am

So, I have Orlando Cepeda in a 60s league and he was injured in the 3rd inning of the following game: ... /426435/53

The problem is that I can't find a strikeout injury chance on any of Cepeda's cards. What am I missing?


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Re: Help with injury reveal

PostThu Mar 26, 2015 3:22 am

I would write to SOM online support because what's a little scary is Cepeda has two cards in the 70s set that has a strikeout plus injury against righties. Certainly, they didn't put his 70s cards in the wrong set? Or did they?!


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Re: Help with injury reveal

PostThu Mar 26, 2015 3:28 am

For the Mystery game, this is a big deal. There is something very wrong because Cepeda doesn't have a strikeout injury on his card. Please let us know what SOM says.


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Re: Help with injury reveal

PostThu Mar 26, 2015 5:27 pm

I contacted SOM and here is their reply:

Hi Frank,

Thank you for e-mailing this to us. This is definitely a bug as we've searched through the game code and it's pulling the correct card for Cepeda. The play result should have been gb plus injury. We checked Cepeda's other results for the season, and they've all been displayed correctly. Right now, we're not sure what happened to cause it to trigger a strikeout. On rare occasions we've seen other display issues on the site but those we have been able to identify and correct so that is not the case here. We have seen something similar to this one other time since the game moved over to our site but as it's so rare we have not yet been able to recreate the problem in order to see why it's happening.

Again, thank you for letting us know about this and we'll work to find the root cause of the problem.

Strat-O-Matic Baseball Online

First, they got right back to me and they didn't give me the runaround and gave a helpful and straightforward response. That is great support and, in my experience, pretty rare. So, a weird, freak occurrence. If anyone else sees an issue like this, let's try to track it down.

I have an injury reveal for Bob Hamelin in the 90s mystery tournament for his best year (.282 BA, .987 OPS) and after 105 ABs he is hitting .171 with a .664 OPS. So, I was starting to think that it was a false result. But after reading SOM's response, I'm confident that false results are vanishingly rare, so I'm just going to keep him batting cleanup knowing that he'll turn it around.

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