Re timing of the championship round:

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

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Re timing of the championship round:

PostSat Feb 23, 2013 4:02 am

Re timing of the championship round:

-many players will be finished event 4 soon;
-since ranking from 1-24 is not critical for the championship round, we may be able to start as soon as the top 24 have clinched their "playoff" spots.

Also, we can begin planning the championship round before all 24 spots are finally determined.

Please watch for news for the championship round during the next 2 weeks, and start thinking about your teams!

Remember that you cannot re-use a ballpark that you have used in events 1-4. For the championship round, re-use of a ballpark may result in disqualification from the tournament (point sanctions wouldn't have the same practical effect for the championship round, so disqualification is the only other logical sanction - commissioner's ruling).

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