Commissioner of Next Year's Players Championship

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

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Re: Commissioner of Next Year's Players Championship

PostTue Sep 30, 2014 12:53 pm

blue turtle wrote:
l.strether wrote:
blue turtle wrote:How does one bring variety to a standard 12/80 league? DH option, waiver penalties, what else?

DH option
12/100 league
12/60 league
Unleashed or not Unleashed.
12/80 league

These are more than enough options to schedule a varied 5-event, 20xx league that both reflects most common 20xx play and stays within the "simple" tourney mode J-Pav advocated and most players want.

12/100 and 12/60 are not standard 12/80. Good call on the unleashed set.

I never said 12/100 and 12/60 are standard. If it was my choice, we would play 5 events of 12/80, with varying additions of no/dh or unleashed and unique parks. That would be more than enough variation to reflect 20xx skills and knowledge of the particular set. However, more 20xx players play 12/100 or 12/60 then they do 24-team leagues, and they are obviously more easily filled. So, I'm fine with one 100M and/or one 60M event. Those are much better, non-gimmicky options for variation than gimmicky, problematic 2-round drafts.

blue turtle

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Re: Commissioner of Next Year's Players Championship

PostTue Sep 30, 2014 12:56 pm

What you said about 12/100s or 12/60s is irrelevant to my question.

I asked for how to apply variety to the standard 12/80, and you contributed a useful piece of information. Thanks.


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Re: Commissioner of Next Year's Players Championship

PostTue Sep 30, 2014 1:01 pm

J-Pav wrote:Is gbrookes back yet?

I think the reigning tour champ should assume commissioner (and all fiscal, legal, financial, and public service) duties and responsibility. I nominate "mesquiton"!!

If that's the best response you can make to my post, J-Pav, then that's probably a good idea. Commissioner of a paid tournament is a grown-up position that might not be appropriate for you. I have had problems with the way GBrookes ran this year's tournament. However, this year (and every year) he has run it like an adult professional with awareness of his responsibilities. If he does leave, hopefully his successor will do the same.

The commissioner would not have fiscal, legal, financial, or "public service" duties. You misread what I said. He would have stewardship over a contest with fiscal, legal, and financial responsibilities to its customers. So, his communications with them would have to take those responsibilities in mind. Perhaps Mesquiton would be a better choice.

And, since you didn't address what I actually wrote in my last post, you either agree with what I wrote or are unable to effectively counter it. I'm good with either.


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Re: Commissioner of Next Year's Players Championship

PostTue Sep 30, 2014 1:17 pm


Thank you for your genuinely passionate posts. While I personally have no desire to parse words/sentences/paragraphs/posts with you, I'm sure the community appreciates you voicing your concerns.

Let's try and take a deep breath here, we have plenty of time to talk about next year's tour. Maybe we should just wait for gbrookes to get back in the saddle and then we'll all make a good plan for going forward.



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Re: Commissioner of Next Year's Players Championship

PostTue Sep 30, 2014 1:29 pm

Thank you for your appreciation, J-Pav. I would never want you to "parse" my posts, just actually read them well before responding. I will always clarify for you if there is confusion.

And waiting for GBrookes is a good idea. His input and significant knowledge of the many thing he's done right, and the few things he's done wrong, will be invaluable to the process. Particularly, since (as you note) next year is a long way away.

Good luck in the Tourney.


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Re: Commissioner of Next Year's Players Championship

PostTue Sep 30, 2014 1:34 pm

blue turtle wrote:What you said about 12/100s or 12/60s is irrelevant to my question.

I asked for how to apply variety to the standard 12/80, and you contributed a useful piece of information. Thanks.

I see. Since you asked your question in the middle of a tournament thread, I assumed you wanted to know how to add variety to a 20xx, particularly 80M, tournament.

If you're just wondering how to add variety to an standard 12/80 league, you should ask for the regular theme-leaguers to chip in. They, particularly Jeepdriver, are the ones who come up with the most creative variations.


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Re: Commissioner of Next Year's Players Championship

PostTue Sep 30, 2014 1:35 pm


blue turtle

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Re: Commissioner of Next Year's Players Championship

PostTue Sep 30, 2014 3:37 pm

l.strether wrote:
blue turtle wrote:What you said about 12/100s or 12/60s is irrelevant to my question.

I asked for how to apply variety to the standard 12/80, and you contributed a useful piece of information. Thanks.

I see. Since you asked your question in the middle of a tournament thread, I assumed you wanted to know how to add variety to a 20xx, particularly 80M, tournament.

If you're just wondering how to add variety to an standard 12/80 league, you should ask for the regular theme-leaguers to chip in. They, particularly Jeepdriver, are the ones who come up with the most creative variations.

It is in a tournament thread because we have had discussions about what works (12/80s) and what, according to you, doesn't (24/60) and J-Pav cited going with "standard" tournament events. "Standard" is 12/80. I suppose to press the point further, it is also with a 20% penalty and a DH, but I am not sure there is much of a point of running 5 events all the same and no one is proposing that in reality.

blue turtle

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Re: Commissioner of Next Year's Players Championship

PostTue Sep 30, 2014 3:38 pm

Presumably, the commissioner gig is non-paying. Whoever steps up and is acceptable to SOM has my support and admiration for taking on the task.


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Re: Commissioner of Next Year's Players Championship

PostTue Sep 30, 2014 3:55 pm

Blue turtle:

For clarification, I would recommend two 12/80 dh leagues, one 12/80 no dh league, one 12/60 no dh league and one 12/100 dh league. I'm not a big fan of adding in the unleashed players, but I'm not opposed to it either.

Personally, I like the idea of having all 12/80 dh leagues, but after several years now I've come to appreciate the tradition of having a little variety to test managers' versatility.

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