PC FINAL standings info

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

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Re: PC preliminary standings info

PostSat Feb 23, 2013 3:36 am

The following standings are compiled based on the games through Wednesday February 20. These include bonus points awarded though that date. I have subtracted the penalties for re-use of the same ballpark in more than one event. Games in hand are added at a rate of .5 wins per game in hand. This includes results from games played to date in all events, including event 4.

On that basis, here are the standings (preliminary) through February 20:

Manager Points
Terry101 400
Duval 376
WJS6768 376
ehlekev1 375
visick 371
mesquiton 367 done!
Mr. Met 367
thisisray 362
hendrix08 361
jagman2882 360
edgecitytx 358
michaelrobb11 355
Knerrpool 355
jmoore1966 353
exwallman 352
rudys raiders 352
Spider 67 351
gbrookes 350 done
Pinko Filth 342 done
tmm6883 342 done
killermarc 341
J-Pav 339 done
the splinter 339
Delbird 339 done
MrHacktastic 338
Jake Squid 338
Squinbux 337
SteadyEddie33 336
Gilbo 334
FoggyOne 334
JR_Shark 332
stevep107 332
eveldrive 330
fatdaddy054 329
krazykat 326
dinsdale 325
Red Beards 324 done
Dr.Publix 321
mattyp 320
salmonbellies 318 done
buzz082308 318
ashleyjoe 316
gcaraballo 310 done
scumby 309
TexasKen 309
dalekeener 308 done
caimrisek 307 done
maverick38 307 done
FRANKZAHN 302 done
Peace Attack 298
hammertime23452 295
AZHawg 291 done
kihoover 288 done
Last edited by gbrookes on Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:03 am, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: PC preliminary standings info

PostSat Feb 23, 2013 3:42 am

Please note that players who have not yet completed event 4 can still move up or down with their points, due to the changes in games in hand (or playoff bonus points). Of course, recent wins (and playoff bonuses) will cause their points to rise, while recent losses will cause their points to fall.


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Re: PC preliminary standings info

PostSat Feb 23, 2013 4:01 am

Re timing of the championship round:

-many players will be finished event 4 soon;
-since ranking from 1-24 is not critical for the championship round, we may be able to start as soon as the top 24 have clinched their "playoff" spots.

Also, we can begin planning the championship round before all 24 spots are finally determined.

Please watch for news for the championship round during the next 2 weeks, and start thinking about your teams!

Remember that you cannot re-use a ballpark that you have used in events 1-4. For the championship round, re-use of a ballpark may result in disqualification from the tournament (point sanctions wouldn't have the same practical effect for the championship round, so disqualification is the only other logical sanction - commissioner's ruling).


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Re: PC preliminary standings info

PostSun Feb 24, 2013 9:28 pm

To correct myself - the ballpark penalty is 20 points, not 25 points, per the rules and official tournament page. I will correct these preliminary standings for the ballpark penalties on the next standings posting. FYI, mesquiton's standings have the ballpark re-use penalty correct, at 20 points.


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Re: PC preliminary standings info

PostMon Feb 25, 2013 4:48 pm

The following standings are compiled based on the games through Sunday February 24. These include bonus points awarded though that date. I have subtracted the penalties for re-use of the same ballpark in more than one event. Games in hand are added at a rate of .5 wins per game in hand. This includes results from games played to date in all events, including event 4.

On that basis, here are the standings (preliminary) through February 24:

1 Terry101 405
2 WJS6768 376
4 Duval 376 **
5 ehlekev1 375
6 visick 370 **
7 mesquiton 367
8 Mr. Met 367
9 thisisray 362
11 hendrix08 361
12 jagman2882 360 **
13 edgecitytx 358
14 jmoore1966 358 (Event 4 League 5 playoff series pending)
15 Knerrpool 356 ** (57 games to play, winning record in event 4)
16 SCOTTKATZENMEYER 354 (Event 4 League 3 playoff series pending)
17 ROGGIE 354 ** (36 games to play, winning record in event 4)
18 rudys raiders 352
19 Spider 67 352 ** (15 games to play)
20 gbrookes 350
21 exwallman 350 ** (15 games to play, winning record in event 4)
22 killermarc 347 (Event 4 League 4 playoff series pending)
23 michaelrobb11 344 ** (78 games to play)
24 Squinbux 342 (Event 4 League 3 playoff series pending)
25 tmm6883 342
26 Pinko Filth 342
27 Jake Squid 340
28 the splinter 339 (event 4 playoffs still going)
29 J-Pav 339
30 Delbird 339
31 SteadyEddie33 339 ** (36 games to play)
32 JR_Shark 338 (Event 4 League 5 playoff series pending)
33 krazykat 338 ** (15 games to play, winning record in event 4)
34 Gilbo 337 (Event 4 League 3 playoff series pending)
36 MrHacktastic 337 ** (57 games to play)
37 fatdaddy054 335
38 eveldrive 333 ** (15 games to play)
39 Dr.Publix 333 ** (57 games to play, winning record in event 4)
40 stevep107 332
41 FoggyOne 332 ** (57 games to play, winning record in event 4)
42 mattyp 332 ** (57 games to play)
44 dinsdale 330
45 Red Beards 324
47 salmonbellies 318
48 ashleyjoe 317
49 buzz082308 315
50 scumby 313 **
51 maverick38 312
52 gcaraballo 310
53 TexasKen 310
54 dalekeener 308
55 caimrisek 307
56 Peace Attack 304
59 AZHawg 296
60 hammertime23452 295
61 kihoover 288

** = significant games still being played - totals include games in hand at .5 wins/points per game in hand. Note that players who might make playoffs in event 4 may still benefit from playoff bonus points.
Last edited by gbrookes on Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:50 pm, edited 5 times in total.


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Re: PC preliminary standings info

PostMon Feb 25, 2013 4:50 pm

Please note that there are several players just above or just below the 24th spot that still have games remaining. Therefore the top 24 is still in a state of flux. A winning streak (or playoff bonus points) or a losing streak can still change the positions in the above preliminary standings.



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Re: PC preliminary standings info

PostTue Feb 26, 2013 11:25 am

The following standings are compiled based on the games through Monday February 25. These include bonus points awarded though that date. I have subtracted the penalties for re-use of the same ballpark in more than one event. Games in hand are added at a rate of .5 wins per game in hand. This includes results from games played to date in all events, including event 4. A few playoff series were concluded with some corresponding point jumps.

I have also made some corrections to my calculations for the games in hand effect for the following players - michaelrobb11, krazykat, mattyp, scumby and Dr.Publix. I had also inadvertently included a non-participant, DONHAWKINS, in the previous standings. I have now made these corrections.

On that basis, here are the standings (preliminary) through February 25:

1 Terry101 405
2 ehlekev1 385
3 WJS6768 376
5 Duval 376 **
6 visick 375 **
7 mesquiton 367
8 Mr. Met 367
9 thisisray 367
10 hendrix08 361
11 jagman2882 359 **
12 edgecitytx 358
13 jmoore1966 358 (Event 4 League 5 playoff series pending)
14 Knerrpool 356 ** (54 games to play, winning record in event 4)
15 michaelrobb11 356 (75 games to play)
16 SCOTTKATZENMEYER 354 (Event 4 League 3 playoff series pending)
17 ROGGIE 354 ** (33 games to play, winning record in event 4)
18 rudys raiders 352
19 Spider 67 351 ** (12 games to play)
20 gbrookes 350
21 exwallman 350 ** (12 games to play, winning record in event 4)
22 killermarc 347 (Event 4 League 4 playoff series pending)
23 Squinbux 342 (Event 4 League 3 playoff series pending)
24 tmm6883 342
25 Pinko Filth 342
26 Jake Squid 340
27 the splinter 339 (event 4 playoffs still going)
28 J-Pav 339
29 Delbird 339
30 SteadyEddie33 339 ** (33 games to play)
31 JR_Shark 338 (Event 4 League 5 playoff series pending)
32 Gilbo 337 (Event 4 League 3 playoff series pending)
34 MrHacktastic 337 ** (54 games to play)
35 fatdaddy054 335
36 eveldrive 333 ** (12 games to play)
37 stevep107 332
38 FoggyOne 330 ** (54 games to play, winning record in event 4)
40 dinsdale 330
41 krazykat 328 ** (12 games to play, winning record in event 4)
42 Red Beards 324
43 Dr.Publix 322 ** (54 games to play, winning record in event 4)
45 mattyp 322 ** (54 games to play)
46 salmonbellies 318
47 ashleyjoe 317
48 buzz082308 315
49 maverick38 312
50 gcaraballo 310
51 TexasKen 310
52 dalekeener 308
53 scumby 307 **
54 caimrisek 307
55 Peace Attack 304
58 AZHawg 296
59 hammertime23452 295
60 kihoover 288

** = significant games still being played - totals include games in hand at .5 wins/points per game in hand. Note that players who might make playoffs in event 4 may still benefit from playoff bonus points.
Last edited by gbrookes on Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: PC preliminary standings info

PostTue Feb 26, 2013 11:30 am

It looks like the magic point total to make the top 24 is about 343. At 342 there may be a logjam with a tie-breaker determination required.


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Re: PC preliminary standings info

PostWed Feb 27, 2013 9:45 am

A lot of playoff series going to a game 7 tonight. Should be an interesting night for points movement. Update tomorrow or Friday.



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Re: PC preliminary standings info

PostMon Mar 04, 2013 10:09 am

The following standings are compiled based on the games through Sunday March 3. These include bonus points awarded though that date. I have subtracted the penalties for re-use of the same ballpark in more than one event. Games in hand are added at a rate of .5 wins per game in hand. This includes results from games played to date in all events, including event 4. A few playoff series were concluded with some corresponding point jumps.

On that basis, here are the standings (preliminary) through March 3:

1 Terry101 415
2 ehlekev1 390
3 Duval 383 (still in playoffs)
4 visick 379 (still in playoffs)
5 LANCEBOUSLEY 376 (tie breaker - championships won)
6 WJS6768 376
7 hendrix08 371
8 mesquiton 367 (tie breaker - championships won)
9 thisisray 367 (tie breaker- finals made)
10 Mr. Met 367
11 jmoore1966 363 (Event 4 League 5 playoff series pending)
13 jagman2882 358.5 ** (15 games to play, winning record in event 4, League 6 same div as SteadyEddie)
14 edgecitytx 358
15 michaelrobb11 353.5 (57 games to play)
16 ROGGIE 353.5 ** (15 games to play, winning record in event 4, League 6)
17 Knerrpool 353 ** (36 games to play, winning record in event 4, League 8 East - 4 contenders)
18 Squinbux 352 (tie-breaker - championships won)
19 killermarc 352 (tie breaker - finals made)
20 rudys raiders 352
21 Spider 67 351
22 gbrookes 350
23 exwallman 349
24 the splinter 344
25 tmm6883 342
26 Pinko Filth 342
27 Jake Squid 340
28 SteadyEddie33 339.5 ** (15 games to play, winning record, League 6, same division as Jagman contender)
29 J-Pav 339
30 Delbird 339
31 JR_Shark 338
32 Gilbo 337
34 MrHacktastic 336 ** (36 games to play, League 8 west)
35 fatdaddy054 335
36 FoggyOne 333 ** (36 games to play, winning record in event 4, League 8 East with other contenders)
37 eveldrive 333
38 stevep107 332
39 krazykat 332 (event 4 playoffs pending)
41 dinsdale 330
42 Red Beards 324
43 Dr.Publix 323 ** (36 games to play, winning record in event 4, League 8 East with other contenders)
45 mattyp 322 ** (36 games to play, League 8 East with other contenders)
46 salmonbellies 318
47 ashleyjoe 317
48 buzz082308 315
49 maverick38 312
50 gcaraballo 310
51 TexasKen 310
52 scumby 309
53 dalekeener 308
54 caimrisek 307
55 Peace Attack 304
58 AZHawg 296
59 hammertime23452 295
60 kihoover 288

** = significant games still being played - totals include games in hand at .5 wins/points per game in hand. Note that players who might make playoffs in event 4 may still benefit from playoff bonus points.

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