Ballpark Ridiculousness

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

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Radagast Brown

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Re: Ballpark Ridiculousness

PostMon Jan 11, 2021 1:16 pm

But there are tons of HR parks and very few pitcher's parks, and almost no singles parks. So the only people who really have to choose a different kind of strategy are people who like pitching and singles parks.

I am not trying to change the rule, this is my first and last PC. I am just trying to inject a little common sense.

Am I wrong on the facts, leaving aside personal attacks?


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Re: Ballpark Ridiculousness

PostMon Jan 11, 2021 5:24 pm

Radagast Brown wrote:Here's the thing, there are more than a dozen bomber HR parks (1-11 or better for both sides). So the people who build power teams NEVER HAVE TO CHANGE THEIR STRATEGY.

If what you are saying here is correct, and I think it is, then there are 18 available parks that are not bomber parks.

Additionally, you can always become a more flexible manager. Why should the tournament rules be more accommodating to your individual style of play, rather than vice versa?


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Re: Ballpark Ridiculousness

PostThu May 13, 2021 11:17 am

I believe that there are compelling arguments on both sides of this debate, however, I rarely see the discussion couched in terms of how the stadium restrictions affect the group dynamic. I would think that skill would matter even less, if you "knew" in advance which stadiums you're opponents were likely to be using.

Axlerod Gunderson

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Re: Ballpark Ridiculousness

PostSun May 30, 2021 9:04 pm

There are plenty of small ball parks if that is all you wish to play through the tourney.

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