Event #5 - League #7

the official tournament of the All-Time Greats VI player set

Moderator: mighty moose

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mighty moose

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Re: Event #5 - League #7

PostSun Sep 09, 2012 12:34 am

eh, the "feature" doesn't work anyway - subscribe to every thread you want, you will never get an e-mail notification of a post.

Yeah, I figure give more time will help, but we are still back to the dreaded 'friday deadline" and the challenge of keeping 11 other people from being delayed one more week.

I'm only trying to get across that if it came time that I hadnt heard from you with 3 hours left until the friday deadline and you were the only one left to enter, I would replace you in the league so that we would not have 11 other people delayed for that extra week. I hold a fellow board member or myself in reserve for just such emergencies. I'm just trying to imply that one man should not have the right to delay everyone else in the league for a full week.

I dont know why I do it either, except I like to do it, and by now - it's just a part of my life. Don't know for how much longer though. But I guarantee you that the next person to take it over won't be as organized or as thorough, or care as much. ;)

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