roster configuration

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Big Fred Whitfield

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roster configuration

PostSat Mar 09, 2024 9:13 pm

combining a few elements I've observed (and or been taught by advice here)

it seems when constructing/drafting a roster, these things should be strongly considered ?

1. don't roster players who you plan to play NOT in their first position listed....because at some point in the game (usually late when you DON"T want it), HAL will sub that guy into his original position and screw up whatever configuration of players you have wanted/decided/tried to pre-set

2. don't roster players with multiple positions because at some point HAL will play "musical chairs" and volleyball/square dance rotate your players all over the diamond with the inanest configurations a monkey couldn't even conceive (although this seems to be opposite of the real-life flexibility multiple positional players afford)

case in point, Martin Dihigo 4.86M card....he's a great fielder at many positions (2b, RF, CF) and eligible at a few more

but trying to keep him in whatever position you start him is almost impossible....(seemingly), because at some point (your know the drill)

are these observations and conclusions unfounded ?

is there any way around the "musical chairs" HAL seems to play at the end of every game ?

any info/input much appreciated.....


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Re: roster configuration

PostSat Mar 09, 2024 9:42 pm

I have seen HAL play musical chairs as you have described--and yes, he will change a player to a position, then the next inning change him back, and then the next inning to a 3rd position but because of other switches you end up with someone playing catcher without a catcher rating.

It is not uncommon for me to use platoons and/or late inning defensive subs. If the substitutions are no longer "available" because of other considerations (pinch hitters/pitching changes, injuries, etc) that is usually when I see such things. I don't know that much about how the algorithm is set up but I largely chalk it up to HAL trying to honor a managerial setting but not being able to because of some other secondary issue. It seems as if the algorithm doesn't really allow for him to override that request (if request is not possible, do nothing)--so he just does something else kind of like it even if it makes no sense (musical chairs). You wanted a substitution in RF? that's what you are going to get even if means moving the catcher there with no catcher left on the bench and Martin Dihigo behind the plate.

I can't honestly say it has been a huuuge problem (at least not for me) but the boxscores at times are comical.

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