A few other random questions for a football365 noob

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A few other random questions for a football365 noob

PostFri Sep 10, 2021 4:50 pm

Thanks in advance for any answers. And apologies to those in my leagues who may be reading these twice.

1) How do I tell when an injured defensive player will be coming back? (e.g I lost my top tackler from game one on the first play of game 2 - 4 games later he has still not returned.)

1a) Also - the only reason I even know he went down is that I like to read through the play by plays of my games.
1b) Only reason I know for sure he isn't back is that my 2nd leading tackler on the team is the BU for that position.

2) Can anyone explain the Q and D rules better for me? I can't figure out what is leading to the determination in the first place, and from what I have seen it basically means that that player is going to sit next game for sure. It could just be the few games I've checked, but that's what I've seen so far.

2a) How does HAL decide if a Q or D player will play - if there is that decision at all
2b) Is there something I can set to help limit whatever is triggering this on my players? Number of carries, etc. Did I miss this as a setting somewhere?

Radagast Brown

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Re: A few other random questions for a football365 noob

PostWed Dec 01, 2021 6:34 pm

Ugh, I wish I could help you. The online football game is not nearly as good as the online baseball game. And they aren't putting in any time to fix it.

Radagast Brown

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Re: A few other random questions for a football365 noob

PostWed Dec 01, 2021 6:36 pm

Yes, they have some really dumb usage rules in place. It is kind of confusing and hard to explain. They could easily fix this and avoid all the confusion by taking out the over usage limits. It is easily done with the home computer game and I am not sure why they can't fix that.

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