better informed voters

Discussion for new cards to add; moderated by Rosie2167

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better informed voters

PostTue Oct 24, 2017 6:17 pm

if this has been covered elsewhere, please forgive my ignorance, but I just can't get on here as much as I would prefer to...

anyway, to the point - and I confess I also don't know the process of loading a 'card' to the player set database that well,

but, it seems to me that I would be a better informed voter if I knew how much these new cards are going to expect to be paid - you know, how much of my salary cap do I need to spend to get them -

I realize that there are high-end cards that I presume are around, if not over $10 (million) per

Specifically, I just voted for Jim Fregosi and Nolan Ryan on the Angels ballot and just kept thinking that I might have voted for Daddy Wags or Grich if I could have seen and compared the price tags

if the prices aren't added at the time of election/selection posting here, ok, I guess, though I still think they could be known

separate but related - did Ryan's inclusion in the Angels list mean the card is NOT a high-end card?

thanks all (or any)

- Patrick

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