Can we move up the Finals Live Draft

the official tournament of the Mystery Card player sets

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Re: Can we move up the Finals Live Draft

PostThu Aug 04, 2022 4:07 pm

I am unavailable the 14th. I have made travel plans based upon the stated finals draft date of the 18th. I am travelling to care for my 89 year old dad (who is having heart surgery) from Aug. 9th-16th, and will only have access to my cell phone during that period. Starting the 17th, I can make myself available most any evening.


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Re: Can we move up the Finals Live Draft

PostThu Aug 04, 2022 4:44 pm

I'll probably be unavailable on the 18th, so I'll miss the live draft (which is unfortunate because it is a lot of fun) but I can set proxies. The 90s has quite a deep player set so I'll be able to pick up free agents. 90s is the one set that I don't have a favorite #1. Gives me something to research. I think the question about the 18th will be Richard Gagnon. So, I think that is the only issue that needs to be resolved. I will throw out one more idea - make the clock one hour per pick; I recently was in a 24 team live draft with a 2 hour window and it took about a week, so a 1 hour window with 12 teams would be a few days. Other than that, I'm out of ideas how to make everyone satisfied on the draft time.


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Re: Can we move up the Finals Live Draft

PostThu Aug 04, 2022 5:14 pm

I think the 14th is good for all!!


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Re: Can we move up the Finals Live Draft

PostThu Aug 04, 2022 6:05 pm

From looking at this thread, the 9th thru the 21st aren’t good and the 23rd through the 25th aren’t good either. Any chance everyone is available on Monday the 22nd?

Like Franky and Richard Gagnon, I’m not available on the 18th. If the draft has to be the 18th, I understand as this date has been well known for months.


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Re: Can we move up the Finals Live Draft

PostThu Aug 04, 2022 6:41 pm

I'm also travelling the whole week of August 22-28. I'll be at a hotel at a tournament in Baltimore, so there is a chance that I could do a draft in an evening after my tournament (unfortunately, Monday evening I would not be finished before 10 pm eastern -- we should finish earlier (7-8 pm) the rest of the week).


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Re: Can we move up the Finals Live Draft

PostThu Aug 04, 2022 7:31 pm

The following is a discussion of the possibility of a "live draft" with a one hour window for picks.

Instead of a partially-attended, live draft with a one minute window, or a 6 rounds message board draft, we could have a live draft with a one hour window. My experience is that we could have a full 26 round draft in less time than a 6 round message board draft. Most of us have had experience with the live draft. For those who haven't, you can check out a Mock draft under the Community tab.

Each manager would need to check in about once or twice per day and this could be done by phone. You see all the picks and can set lists of proxies for up to 15 players. So, if you are not on-line when your pick comes up, the computer will pick your first selection. The clock pauses at night so things won't run too fast. If you are not present during your one hour window, and you do not have any proxies set, the computer will make a pick for you. Plus, we could get started almost as soon as the semi-finals world series are complete. In my experience, making picks in a live draft with a one or two hour window is much easier and less aggravating than a message board draft because (1) you don't have to keep checking the message board - check in once or twice a day, set your proxies and forget about it, and (2) the computer keeps a nice record of everyone's team. It can be easily done when you are on vacation, taking care of elders, sitting on the can, etc.

So, that's my pitch. What do you say?


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Re: Can we move up the Finals Live Draft

PostThu Aug 04, 2022 9:54 pm

I’m ok with anything. 14th. 18th. One hour slots over a longer period. But I have a feeling that the commissioner is going to just have to decide bc it’s hard to get everyone to agree. Plus we still need to figure out what set we are using.


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Re: Can we move up the Finals Live Draft

PostThu Aug 04, 2022 10:14 pm

I would much prefer that the draft be done all in one go instead of over a few days but whatever JC decides I will make work.


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Re: Can we move up the Finals Live Draft

PostSat Aug 06, 2022 12:04 pm

I'm trying to get more chatter on this topic. This league has experienced players that have good opinions.

piloneus writes
I would much prefer that the draft be done all in one go instead of over a few days

I agree with that; however, there doesn't appear to be a day that everyone can do a fast draft. On the scheduled time, the evening of Aug 18, there appears to be 3 players that can't attend - franky, sphilipp and Richard. 3 players is a lot in a 12 team league. We had looked at the afternoon of Aug. 14 but there is at least one person who can't attend and, at least to me, it doesn't seem fair to switch from the scheduled time to another time if that disadvantages even one player.

Would you rather do (1) a fast draft that 3 players can't attend or (2) a slower draft over a few days in which everyone could participate?
Would you rather do (1) a 26 round live draft with an hour window, or (2) a 6 round message board draft?
The semi-finals will be complete within the next 3 days. If we are doing a slower draft (either live draft with 1 hour window or message board), would you prefer the slow draft (1) to start Aug 18 or (2) prefer to start sooner?


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Re: Can we move up the Finals Live Draft

PostSat Aug 06, 2022 12:15 pm

If it’s a slower draft I’d prefer it not be all 26 rounds. 10 and a stadium would be a good middle ground? You get a unique stadium and a core+ to work with.

We might need JC to decide for the group or lay out options for another vote (although based on history it’ll be a tie).

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