Injury 6 question...Daily 365

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Injury 6 question...Daily 365

PostSun Apr 23, 2023 11:14 pm

I am in the Daily 365 league right now. I have two players, one SP and one position player having a "6" injury statis and continue to play them,...... Does Hal recognize that player is injured and not playing in real life ....and can this player still be productive on my team knowing he is not active in real life? Wasnt sure on the daily league if this is something I have to consider.

Was just curious if I need to not play him if the player will not produce like he should. I know its a matter of time till these players will most likely be injured sooner than later too. Can Anyone give me advice on this and what the trend might be? I know many have played 1,00'0s of games and would like to hear what your thoughts are on this.



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Re: Injury 6 question...Daily 365

PostMon Apr 24, 2023 9:51 am

The good news is, you can use those players just as you normally would... there's nothing that will cause their cards to be unproductive.
The bad news is, with a "6" injury rating, they are very likely to get hurt, possibly up to a 60-game injury.
So there's no easy answer. If I think the player is going to come off of the IL in real life very soon, I might hold him out of my lineup until his "injury 6" goes back to a 1. Otherwise, I just let him play until he gets hurt.


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Re: Injury 6 question...Daily 365

PostMon Apr 24, 2023 8:40 pm

Thanks jjii66. Yes I just had B Woodruff go on the 60 game il. Stanton could be next for me. Thats baseball

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