Is the Game Rigged?

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Is the Game Rigged?

PostFri Oct 30, 2020 2:23 pm

I realize that this is a controversial subject but consider the following: SOM365 Baseball is based on actual stats and that includes actual runs scored for the respective season. Because there are a finite number of runs scored, 365 has to revolve around that number +/- a margin of error. That means each team per league is limited to the number of runs that it can score (+/- margin of error). I don't think that HAL is that sophisticated to limit runs scored on a progressive basis therefore, HAL chooses four slots / openings for the winning teams. Those teams are most probably assigned by random with the exception of a HAL bias assigning one or more teams to a player user name (There is no doubt that SOM places a W/L bias on player user names). This explains why top MLB players chronically under perform. This explains the fallacy of player usage and this explains why some of the most improbable teams / player users consistently win.

Under Performing Players: Let us say that (2019 MLB Season) Trout under performs and you trade him for Alvarez. He under performs and you trade him for Yelich. He too flops. The chances of three top players under performing are almost impossible unless there is a bias placed on your team to limit runs produced.

Fallacy of Over Use: SOM claims that there are no over use restrictions placed on players. That is not true. SOM recently placed an over use bias restricting RP from being used as SP. Injuries restrict over use which in turn restrict runs produced.

Bias Placed on Player User Name: I have played 100 leagues and, I keep meticulous hard copy records of team / league performance. If you understand computer programming you can spot patterns. For example. At any one time, I play about 5 leagues. On any one calendar day my team in separate leagues will either all win, all lose or W/L. There is no way in hell this blatant pattern can take place unless SOM places a W/L bias on your player user name (I.E., mine is "danno"). There are perennial winners here who have played several hundred leagues. Minus won credits, that still translates into thousands of dollars spent to play this game. It is my theory that not only does SOM reward winners with free credits but they place a favorite player bias on some user names. I.E., four winning teams per league are assigned by random with the exception of the favorite player bias who will have a better chance obtaining one of those teams. That explains how some of these guys consistently win with the most improbable teams. The rules of probability make it near impossible for these same people to win with the worst damn teams without help. That help most probably comes from SOM.

More Player Usage Fallacies: I spoke with a SOM Tech Rep about these things and of course, he said that I was wrong. He said "What do you expect from player performance when each team is tantamount to an allstar team. That's why the top players don't always perform." My response: "If that is true, then the average everyday position player hasn't a chance in hell of performing anywhere near their actual stats. When in fact, we all know that's not true."

FYI. Some of the user players here are ignorant when it comes to SOM TOS, rules of the game, card symbology, etc. I know, because I have conversed with some of these guys. I have read their SOM blogs and they aren't even close to be accurate. They pass on wrong information. Yet, the same people win league after league. Can any of you explain how blithering morons CONSISTENTLY win with the most terrible improbable teams? The ONLY way these guys can win is with help from SOM. I strongly object to this because, I expect to play this game on a fair and equitable manner.

All of these things are compelling evidence about my finite run theory, strong bias' placed by SOM and in some cases favoritism. This game is for relaxation and fun but for SOM it's a cash cow. They are in business to make money. When you have a handful of players forking out thousands of dollars to play this game, you are going to reward them.

A computer program of this sort has to be closed or finite. It cannot run at random or infinity otherwise there wouldn't be any closure / end to the solution (season). The program is based on actual stats which are actual finite runs scored per season. Again, the program is designed to operate within a margin of error. This allows flexibility of player usage but not by much. In reality, this means that the heart of the game is bogus, I.E., the draft process, lineups, pitching rotation, strategies, etc. It really doesn't matter because the results are preordained. Legally, this would mean that SOM is perpetuating a fraud upon the user. I'm not going to go there. That is difficult to prove. I am just saying that in theory these things appear to be blatantly true. If you disagree or have other compelling evidence that this is not true, I would like to hear it. Please correct me if I am wrong.



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Re: Is the Game Rigged?

PostFri Oct 30, 2020 4:56 pm

TL;DR: No, the game is not rigged.

Dan, I recommend you don't play SOM 365. You see conspiracies where there is nothing but randomness. You expect hitters to match their real-life results when the pitching they face is so much stronger than the pitching they faced in real life. You look at random patterns of wins and losses and assign ulterior motives by SOM as its cause.

I don't mean to be rude, but seriously, find another game.

PS. If you want to see "realistic" results, try a $60 million dollar league.


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Re: Is the Game Rigged?

PostFri Oct 30, 2020 5:51 pm

In a random number generated game like SOM keep in mind that anything that can happen, will happen given enough dice rolls. We humans look for and think we see patterns in the random numbers.

This applies to lotteries as well leading to theories like hot & cold numbers.

To me the bigger question is whether the results are totally random or can skill make a difference in the results. If you have 12 experienced players in a league it might be hard to tell.

Dave C in SNC


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Re: Is the Game Rigged?

PostSat Oct 31, 2020 3:04 pm

How does the SOM only has a finite number of runs theory explain this league?


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Re: Is the Game Rigged?

PostTue Nov 03, 2020 1:23 am

I’m finding some disturbing things myself... this is my first and last league. It doesn’t use my pitchers in the way I’ve set them up! I’ll go back to the board game after this season


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Re: Is the Game Rigged?

PostTue Nov 03, 2020 9:35 pm

WillieS wrote:I’m finding some disturbing things myself... this is my first and last league. It doesn’t use my pitchers in the way I’ve set them up! I’ll go back to the board game after this season

Sorry to hear that. I actually think the bullpen system is pretty good. Oh sure, there are some dreadful things it will do from time to time. For example, who it brings in long extra innings games comes to mind. However, overall, if you tweak your settings well, I would think you wouldn't be so unhappy. However, no matter how good or bad HAL is, you obviously will never have the control you have in the board game.

Note: Often when a manager is unhappy with the game's bullpen management, it's because he gave an F-rating under the Don't Rel. B4 section to most or all of his pitchers. Most pitchers should have this setting left blank. Otherwise, HAL won't make a move until that pitcher is fatigued.


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Re: Is the Game Rigged?

PostTue Nov 24, 2020 3:03 pm

I had a team named "I Hate HAL" HAL had me go 75-87. I think HAL hated me. :lol:


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Re: Is the Game Rigged?

PostTue Nov 24, 2020 9:00 pm

Try "I love Hal"...


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Re: Is the Game Rigged?

PostFri Dec 04, 2020 5:48 pm

I have read all responses to my post about the game being rigged. It is clear that some of you have no idea what you are talking about and know nothing about computer programming. I will try to explain a computer pattern in layman's terms.

I keep detailed records of every league I have played in. If you look at your W/L on a daily basis and compare those W/L to other leagues that you are playing, you will see a pattern. For example:

I am currently playing 7 leagues. Yesterday, 6 of 7 teams won 1 and lost 2. On face value, having 6 teams in 6 different leagues with the same daily W/L record is near impossible. If you were betting on something like this, the odds would be astronomical for you to win. Yet, this HAPPENS ALL OF THE TIME!!!! Let me explain how to do this.

First of all, results are better seen if you are playing several leagues. Take at least 3 to 5 teams and write down their daily W/L record for at least 7 consecutive days of play. Take one team and look at their weekly W/L record and compare it to the other teams. I ABSOLUTELY PROMISE YOU will find a pattern. I.E., Team One wins 2 and loses 1, Team 2 wins 2 and loses 1, Team 3 Wins 2 and loses 1, etc. Maybe one team will not fit the pattern but the majority of teams will show a pattern. It doesn't necessarily revolve around a week's worth of play. The pattern itself revolves around a pattern, I.E., certain number of days before it repeats itself, etc.

This shows that your User Name has a bias set on it by SOM.

Those of you who deny these things are truly closed minded and ignorant. I don't want to insult you, but you say the most nasty things in response to my theory and you provide no tangible proof that I am wrong. Let me show you one more time.

Team 1: W-W-L
Team 2: W-W-L
Team 3: W-W-L
Team 4: W-L-L
Team 5: W-W-L

The one team that does not have 2 wins is ALSO part of that particular pattern.

Like I said, yesterday's results were a VIVID example of a set pattern that coincide with previous patterns. I.E., six of seven teams, I lost 2 of 3 games. The same was true a few days earlier and a few days before that. THAT is a computer pattern. How much frigging proof do you need?

FYI. Apparently, some of you have never taken an intelligence test. In almost every intelligence test they have you identify mathematical and or word patterns (Any pattern is mathematical). So, the IDIOTS who think that one is imagining patterns is truly stupid. Those who have the ability to identify patterns work for intelligence gathering, computer programing, etc. When a third base coach gives signals to the batter / runner it's part of a pattern. If you can identify that pattern, you steal the signal. How frigging hard is that to understand? Yet, there are assholes here who deny these things. Absolutely Incredible and scary that we are surrounded by so many clueless idiots.




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Re: Is the Game Rigged?

PostFri Dec 04, 2020 11:56 pm

Gee, Dan, you sure told us. However, you'll have to forgive me if I no longer respond to your drivel.

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