Dice Roll Question...

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Dice Roll Question...

PostTue Oct 04, 2022 8:45 pm

I have only been in a few leagues but wanted to ask a question about the dice rolls. When seeing some of the splits on how many dice rolls are on the batters cards versus the pitcher cards..... To me it looks like nearly all the rosters for your leagues are generally 50-50, 55% -45%, or at least 60%-40% for rolls.....but for the most part its closer to the 50/50 mark (give or take 3% or 4%. )

Does everyone think the dice rolls are programed for that outcome for every players card to be fair to all the teams? Seems to me there would be at least a few cards and teams with a extreme split if HAL didnt control it? I have played the board game for 55 years and know that some of my "home leagues" were as much as 70% to 30% on player dice rolls.

Are the dice rolls really random? Don't get me wrong I like that its closer to 50/50 in these leagues as it is "more fair". Not many can complain the rolls didn't go there way then.

Thanks everyone,



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Re: Dice Roll Question...

PostThu Oct 06, 2022 12:06 am

It's 50-50. Let's say a team has 6000 dice rolls in a season; on average, they will get 3000 off of the hitters' cards and 3000 off of the pitchers' cards. However, due to it being random, it's unlikely it will be exactly 3000-3000.

Now let's say you decide to flip a coin 6000 times. On average you'll get 3000 heads and 3000 tails. But like SOM, it's unlikely it will be exactly 3000 each. (It could happen, but usually it won't.)

That's because dice and coins don't have memories. It doesn't remember that last game you got twice as many rolls off of your hitters' cards. Luck is not going to automatically even itself out next game.

There is one caveat to what I am saying. The game engine once in a while will alter some outcomes. For example, with a fatigued pitcher, the game engine might change an out to a hit. Or a really high strikeout pitcher might get a a popout changed to a strikeout. Nobody knows how the SOM365 game would report such a result. (Does it just report the original dice roll, or does it alter the roll itself?) Anyway, this happens so infrequently that it is still pretty much 50-50 on average what you can expect for any team. However, most teams will do a little better and some a little worse.


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Re: Dice Roll Question...

PostThu Oct 06, 2022 3:37 pm

Thanks coyote. That makes sense. HAL can do what he wants I guess.....hahahahaha.. Go Bears

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