Garcia's Blog Part I- ATG VII

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Garcia's Blog Part I- ATG VII

PostThu Dec 13, 2012 4:41 pm

Hi guys!

I’m happy to announce that starting today I will open “Garcia’s Blog”. Every Thursday I will have a new post highlighting a different aspect of the game, new features, strategies, and anything else I may have for that week. I am very excited to start this as it will give all of you a better insight of what is happening here at SOM Baseball Online and an opportunity to regularly discuss different features, strategies, even player sets that some of you may not know about!

This week was a big week for SOM Baseball Online with the release of ATG VII, the first release of a new player set since the transfer to our website. 200 new player cards were added and with that we were finally able to replace those four Fanta-Sim cards that everyone has been asking to be removed. Wondering how these cards were selected? To answer this, I need to give a big thank you to user george barnard who has kept an extensive list of players that members of the community had wished for. Luckily for us, he had sent this to us while we were in the early stages of planning ATG VII. We were then able to select all of the new 200 players (196 excluding the Fanta-Sim cards) from that player wish list, meaning all of the players were at one time or another asked for by you, the users. We will continue using this list for any and all future player additions so if a player you want to see has not been added yet try posting it on the forum and if we receive a second edition of the wish list that player will be considered.

The brand new feature that was created with the release of ATG VII was the requested “Shuffle the Deck” player randomizer. This new feature gives the user the ability to randomize their ATG VII player set, customizing the number of available players, maximum card salary, and the number of ballparks available. To use it, start by creating a new team. When selecting your player set you will now see a new box with all the different “Shuffle the Deck” player sets that were already created. To view the players in each set just click on the name of it and select the one you like best to create your team with. Or you can create your own random set. Once you have chosen your random set you can continue to draft your team and stadium just like in the past. For all of you who have played and believe you have mastered the ATG game in the past, this provides a brand new opportunity to challenge yourself with unique player sets with each team you create. Try this by agreeing to league parameters ahead of time so you don’t know who will be in your player set. Will you have a bunch of Hall of Fame 3B available but no 2B? Perhaps the top-end starting pitchers are not available in this set? It will be up to you to adjust your draft strategy on-the-fly to account for the unique player set you were given.

Next week: 2012 Fielding Ratings- The surprises, the disappointments, and how do I use these to my advantage?

As this will be a regular weekly blog, please send in any topics you would like me to discuss to As you can see I already have a topic for next week but any and all suggestions are welcome and I will get to as many as I can! While you’re waiting for next week’s, check out the release of the 2012 Fielding Preview shown here.


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