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How long will a live draft set with 2 min picks likely last?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 9:08 pm
by Snakefinger
Heading into my first live draft and wondering how much time to allot for it. Standard 12 team league, draft set up with 2 min per pick limit. I assume most will not need all of that time, missing owners if any will switch to autopick, etc. How much time am I looking at? :?:

Re: How long will a live draft set with 2 min picks likely l

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 10:52 pm
by surfdoc37
We have done two of these as absolute SOM newbs and they lasted about three hours.

We did request early access to the draft rooms (now standard!) so that we could go in early and build queues. So about three hours for the live part and about 45 minutes to do some ordering of players before beginning.

With a strong enough player queue owners could skip a round or two here and there for things like dinner and not be hurt too badly at all.