Improve sign up system for new teams

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Improve sign up system for new teams

PostSat Jul 21, 2018 8:03 am

The sign up system for new teams isn’t great and it probably hurts sales. A few issues:

1. You can wait a long time for a league to fill.
2. Leagues that have only 1 or 2 teams can stay open for a long time clogging the list. Perhaps a system where SOM emails them and tries to consolidate the leagues?
3. After you Join a league, there is no email as to status - you have to check your in box for that league. The only email I get is when the league is full.
4. Some leagues fill quickly. I would love to be able to set a request to be notified of a particular type of available league. For example, I like playing the 60s (yes, I’m old!). I’d love to hear about each new 60s league.
5. Once you do your draft, you can’t go back to edit it. Why not? It would be fun while you are waiting for the league to fill.
6. Recently I saw a league I liked with one opening. I Scrambled, spent a couple of hours on the draft- the league had complicated rules- but when I finished the draft list, the league had bee filled. Ouch. Email asking for credit followed, etc. it would be great if you could pay and reserve your team and be given 72 hours to do your draft list and if you don’t, it would be auto drafted.

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